Community Solar

Straight Talk on Solar from AEC

Thinking about solar? For your own protection, talk to the Co-op first! Please reach out to us at ext. 1880.

Benefits & Considerations of Going Solar

  • Going solar supports clean, renewable energy and helps protect the environment.
  • While solar generation can lead to electric bill savings, the actual savings are often modest and depend on various factors, including system size, sunlight hours, weather conditions, shading, panel orientation, technology, and inverter quality.
  • Installing solar panels is a decision that requires thoughtful planning.
  • AEC offers assistance, and Carey Rose (extension #1174), the Co-op’s Program Administrator, can provide guidance.
  • Additionally, TVA’s online solar calculator can help estimate savings, installation costs, and payback.

Avoiding Deceptive Contractors

It’s unfortunate, but unscrupulous solar contractors are reaching out to Appalachian Electric Cooperative (AEC) residential members with misleading (and sometimes downright false) information about how solar generation works—specifically, the financial benefits of installing a small-scale solar system.

  • To avoid falling victim to dishonest or uninformed solar contractors, rely on AEC, your trusted energy advisor. Don’t be swayed by sales pitches that seem too good to be true.
  • Consult AEC for accurate information to ensure your investment in solar is based on realistic expectations rather than unrealistic “returns” grounded in inaccurate claims.

Understanding Solar Power Generation

  • Solar panels produce electricity consistently, with variations throughout the day.
  • The peak generation typically occurs between 12 pm and 1 pm. However, their output is reduced on cloudy days.
  • Solar systems have a long lifespan of around 25 to 30 years.
  • Solar inverters, which convert solar energy into usable electricity, usually last about 10 to 12 years.
  • It’s a common misconception that solar generation can completely eliminate your electric bill and allow you to sell excess electricity back to AEC/TVA for profit.
  • AEC does not purchase excess generation, and TVA’s buyback program is typically feasible only for large-scale installations.
  • Most residential solar systems reduce your energy consumption but do not eliminate your electric bill entirely.

Solar Incentives & Costs

  • Rebates and tax incentives can make solar systems cost-effective.
  • AEC does not provide rebates for solar panel installation.

Steps to Install Solar Capacity

Before generating electricity from solar panels, there are necessary steps.

  • You’ll need to complete an interconnection application
  • Pay a non-refundable $250 application fee
  • Meet certain requirements, including installing an accessible and lockable disconnect switch

After approval, you’ll need to provide:

  • Proof of insurance and documentation from the Tennessee State Electrical Inspector
  • A final inspection by AEC

Options for Those with Unsuitable Locations or Renters

  • If your location is not ideal for solar panels or you rent instead of own your home, you can still support clean energy through AEC’s Community Solar program.
  • This program allows you to purchase “blocks” of solar generation in exchange for monthly bill credits without the need to install or maintain equipment.

For more information, contact Member Services at extension #1880.

Links to Other Solar Information From AEC

Renewable Energy Programs

Co-op Community Solar