Disaster Readiness

Disaster Readiness Tips from AEC: Be Prepared for Anything

 At AEC, we understand the importance of being prepared for various disasters, whether it’s a natural event like a tornado or severe storm, or an unforeseen emergency like a power outage. Being ready is the key to keeping yourself and your loved ones safe. Here are some valuable disaster readiness tips that go beyond power outages:

  1. Secure Loose Items: In high winds, loose objects like lawn furniture, trash cans and outdoor decorations can become projectiles. Secure or bring them inside before a storm to prevent damage and injury.
  2. Trim Trees and Branches: Regularly prune and trim trees and branches that could potentially fall on power lines during a storm. This proactive measure can help prevent power outages and enhance safety.
  3. Create an Emergency Kit: Assemble a comprehensive emergency kit with essentials such as non-perishable food, water, a first aid kit, flashlights, batteries, a battery-operated weather radio and any necessary medications.
  4. Plan for Medical Needs: If you or someone in your household relies on medical equipment powered by electricity (e.g., oxygen concentrators), have a backup power source and a disaster plan in place. Call 911 in the event of an emergency.
  5. Know Your Emergency Contacts: Keep a list of important contacts, including utility companies like AEC, local emergency services and family members. Make sure everyone in your household knows how to reach these contacts.
  6. Keep Your Refrigerator Closed: During power outages, minimize food spoilage by keeping your refrigerator and freezer closed as much as possible. A full freezer stays colder longer than a partially filled one.
  7. Create a Family Communication Plan: Establish a plan for how your family will communicate and where you will meet in case you’re separated during a disaster. Ensure everyone has important phone numbers memorized.
  8. Backup Power Solutions: Consider investing in a backup power source, such as a generator or solar power, to ensure you have electricity during extended outages.
  9. Practice Evacuation Drills: Practice evacuation drills with your family to ensure everyone knows what to do and where to go.
  10. Stay Informed: Keep abreast of weather forecasts and emergency alerts through various media sources. Sign up for local alerts and notifications to receive critical information in real-time.

At AEC, we’re committed to providing you with reliable electricity, and we also want to help you be prepared for whatever may come your way. By following these disaster readiness tips, you can safeguard your family and your home.